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Most people think that tulips come from Holland. Actually, Tulips are native to Central Asia and Turkey. In the 16th Century they were brought to Holland from Turkey, where they became very popular.
The whole world is divided into 24 time zones, and Russia alone covers eleven of them, making it the country with the most consecutive time zones in the world. The time in Russia ranges from UTC+02:00 to UTC+12:00 . The country was divided into eleven time zones in 1919, after the Bolshevik Revolution, with boundaries going along railroads and rivers, although these time zones have since been revised multiple times.
It is common knowledge that Thomas Dewey lost the 1948 US Presidential elections to Harry Truman. However, did you know that Thomas Dewey also lost the 1944 US Presidential elections to Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The Pando Aspen Grove in Utah is the largest living organism on Earth. It consists of 47,000 aspens trees, actually the same tree — clones of a single root system. It occupies 106 acres, weighs 13 million pounds and has been around since at least the last Ice Age.