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The New York Police Department (NYPD) is one of the world’s strongest militaries
55,000+ employees
Over 9,000 vehicles - from squad cars and armored personnel carriers to helicopters and submersibles
36 vessels in its naval fleet
International reach – NYPD agents operate in Hamburg, Tel Aviv, Toronto, London, Lyon, and other major international cities. Those agents work with other agencies like Interpol and Scotland Yard.
In the Special Operations branch of the NYPD, there are five separate units: Emergency Services Unit, Aviation Unit, Harbor Unit, Mounted Unit, and the Strategic Response Group.
Just like the Marshall Plan that re-built Europe, America also launched The Dodge Line or Dodge Plan to help Japan to gain economic independence and stamp out inflation after World War II. It was announced on March 7, 1949.
At a fire station in Livermore California, the world’s oldest light bulb has been burning for 118 years, except for three short interruptions. The hand-blown, carbon-filament common light bulb was invented by Adolphe Chaillet, a French engineer who filed a patent for this technology. It was manufactured in Shelby, Ohio, by the Shelby Electric Company in the late 1890s;many just like it still exist and can be found functioning. Here is a live photo cam, updated every minute aT http://www.centennialbulb.org/photos.htm
The last time the US was debt-free was under President Andrew Jackson, in the 1830s.