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The Apollo missions landed on moon from July 20, 1969 until December 11, 1972. In that time period, 12 American astronauts walked on the moon, spending 170 hours roaming over 60 miles. The Apollo 17 crew were the last humans on the moon with Commanders Ronald Evans and Eugene Cernan and scientist Harrison H. Schmitt. Cernan was the last person to have set foot on another celestial body.
On August 11, 2020 Citibank was supposed to send out interest payments on behalf of Revlon totaling $7.8 million to the company’s creditors. Accidentally, $900M was sent due to the confusing software interface screen used to schedule the payment. This amount reflected the total principal loan balance. They are not getting it back either, having lost when they went to court.
The name of China’s capital - Beijing- literally means “northern capital”, which it was under the Ming dynasty. Nanking served as the dynasty’s southern capital and literally means “southern capital.”
Key elements of the mRNA platform which is the foundation of first Covid vaccines developed by Moderna and Pfizer is based on the work of an intrepid Hungarian immigrant to the United States. When Katalin Karikó proposed the use of messenger RNA (an idea has been around since 1961), at the University of Pennsylvania in the early 1990s, to cause the human body to duplicate the virus in order to fight it, her idea was dismissed and she faced demotion.
If Beijing is the Northern Capital, and Nanjing is the Southern Capital, are there Eastern and Western Capitals (something of a trick question) ??
How do you decide what to feature? Pretty cool!